Economic indicators |
GDP: Gross domestic product (million current US$) |
2011 |
2897 |
GDP: Gross domestic product (million current US$) |
2010 |
2533 |
GDP: Gross domestic product (million current US$) |
2005 |
1628 |
GDP: Growth rate at constant 2005 prices (annual %) |
2011 |
6.0 |
GDP: Growth rate at constant 2005 prices (annual %) |
2010 |
5.3 |
GDP: Growth rate at constant 2005 prices (annual %) |
2005 |
4.3 |
GDP per capita (current US$) |
2011 |
483.0 |
GDP per capita (current US$) |
2010 |
432.0 |
GDP per capita (current US$) |
2005 |
316.0 |
GNI: Gross national income per capita (current US$) |
2011 |
501.0 |
GNI: Gross national income per capita (current US$) |
2010 |
437.0 |
GNI: Gross national income per capita (current US$) |
2005 |
318.0 |
Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) |
2011 |
40.4 |
Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) |
2010 |
24.1 |
Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP) |
2005 |
11.0 |
Exchange rates (national currency per US$) |
2011 |
4377.71 |
Market rate. |
Exchange rates (national currency per US$) |
2010 |
4198.01 |
Market rate. |
Exchange rates (national currency per US$) |
2005 |
2932.52 |
Market rate. |
Balance of payments, current account (million US$) |
2011 |
-1212 |
Balance of payments, current account (million US$) |
2010 |
-654 |
Balance of payments, current account (million US$) |
2005 |
-171 |
CPI: Consumer price index (2000=100) |
2011 |
277 |
Index base 2003=100. |
CPI: Consumer price index (2000=100) |
2010 |
239 |
Index base 2003=100. Series linked to former series. |
CPI: Consumer price index (2000=100) |
2005 |
132 |
Agricultural production index (2004-2006=100) |
2011 |
129 |
Agricultural production index (2004-2006=100) |
2010 |
123 |
Agricultural production index (2004-2006=100) |
2005 |
98 |
Food production index (2004-2006=100) |
2011 |
128 |
Food production index (2004-2006=100) |
2010 |
122 |
Food production index (2004-2006=100) |
2005 |
98 |
Employment in industrial sector (% of employed) |
2011 |
... |
Employment in industrial sector (% of employed) |
2010 |
... |
Employment in industrial sector (% of employed) |
2005 |
6.5 |
2004. December. Population census. Age group 10 years and over. The indices are shown in terms of ISIC Rev. 3. |
Employment in agricultural sector (% of employed) |
2011 |
... |
Employment in agricultural sector (% of employed) |
2010 |
... |
Employment in agricultural sector (% of employed) |
2005 |
68.5 |
2004. December. Population census. Age group 10 years and over. The indices are shown in terms of ISIC Rev. 3. |
Labour force participation, adult female pop. (%) |
2011 |
66.3 |
Labour force participation, adult female pop. (%) |
2010 |
66.4 |
Labour force participation, adult female pop. (%) |
2005 |
66.6 |
Labour force participation, adult male pop. (%) |
2011 |
69.1 |
Labour force participation, adult male pop. (%) |
2010 |
68.9 |
Labour force participation, adult male pop. (%) |
2005 |
67.8 |
Tourist arrivals at national borders (000) |
2011 |
52 |
Air arrivals. |
Tourist arrivals at national borders (000) |
2010 |
39 |
Air arrivals. |
Tourist arrivals at national borders (000) |
2005 |
40 |
Air arrivals. |
Energy production, primary (000 mt oil equivalent) |
2011 |
... |
Energy production, primary (000 mt oil equivalent) |
2010 |
2 |
2009. UNSD estimate. |
Energy production, primary (000 mt oil equivalent) |
2005 |
2 |
Telephone subscribers, total (per 100 inhabitants) |
2011 |
35.6 |
Mobile cellular subscriptions only. |
Telephone subscribers, total (per 100 inhabitants) |
2010 |
34.3 |
Telephone subscribers, total (per 100 inhabitants) |
2005 |
0.5 |
Main telephone lines only. |
Internet users (per 100 inhabitants) |
2011 |
... |
Internet users (per 100 inhabitants) |
2010 |
... |
Internet users (per 100 inhabitants) |
2005 |
0.2 |
Major trading partners (% of exports) |
2011 |
... |
Major trading partners (% of imports) |
2011 |
... |