Senin, 17 Februari 2014


Sliepa Source 13:

Mineral Resources
What Can Sierra Leone Offer You? 1. Traditional strength in mining: Investors can capitalize on this strength to either expand current production, add value in the production process, or to rebuild infrastructure required to engage in large-scale mining.
Below are links to a list of the key players in the mineral resources industry and a map of the country’s known deposits.
Key Players in the Mineral Resources Sector
Map of Known Mineral Deposits
Mining Sector Overview

Sierra Leone’s primary mineral resources are diamonds, Rutile, bauxite, gold and iron ore. Mining, particularly of diamonds, gold, Rutile and bauxite, has a proven track record of viability in Sierra Leone. General geology suggests that reserves exceed what is known and being explored. Other known mineral deposits include iron ore, platinum, chromites, lignite and base metals (copper, nickel, molybdenum, lead and zinc). Between 2000 and 2003, the mining sector averaged growth of 5.8 percent per annum. With the introduction of the Kimberley certification Process, official mineral exports increased from US $10 million in 2000 to about US $140 million in 2007 thereby returning, at least in nominal terms, to the previous peak level achieved in 1991.

Leading Growth Driver
The mining sector is set to undergo a rapid expansion in light of production increases from expansions of existing and the opening of new operations. Real GDP growth for 2012 was initially projected to increase by over 50 percent on account of growth in the mining sector; this estimate was subsequently reviewed to about 35.9 percent due to delays in commencement of exports, particularly in the iron ore sector.

Sector Composition
The mineral sector in Sierra Leone is made up of three sub-sectors; the large-scale production of non-precious minerals such as Rutile, Bauxite and more recently iron ore; large scale production of precious minerals, particularly diamonds; and artisanal and small-scale production of precious minerals,  mainly diamonds, and to a much lesser extent, gold. The industry comprises a combination of a few large operations, more numerous small to medium-sized companies and a very large number of artisanal mines. As of April 2012, two hundred and thirty four (234) companies had been granted licenses in various categories of trading, exploration and mining.

Unique Selling Points
1.       Proven Mineral Deposits
·         The prospects for the continued expansion of the mining sector are favourable, as:
o   There are proven and sufficient reserves of existing precious and non-precious minerals to allow increased investments and production for the foreseeable future.
·         More mining areas are becoming available, as:
o   The initial rush for exploration which started in 2002 continues to expire; and with the relinquishments are freeing up areas for new investments.
o   Between October 2008 and 2011, the available areas for mining activities increased from about 33,000 Km2 to over 50,000 Km2 due to relinquishments.
2.       Transparent and Modern Regulatory Regime
·         The sector has undergone major legal, regulatory and policy reforms.
·         The Mines and Minerals Act of 2009 presents a relatively transparent framework in:
o    The issuance of mining related licenses,
o   The fiscal regime; and
o   A universally applied tax code, among other regulations
·         The establishment of a Mining Cadastre Office (MCO), which in turn created an Online Repository that provides data on the licensing and mineral concession management

3.       Cheap Labour
·         The sector is among the leading formal employers in the economy; and is benefitting from competitive wages, compared to other economies

Licensing: Areas and Periods


Typically issued to provide potential investors an opportunity to identify specific areas for more intensive exploration. Normally non-exclusive and valid for 1yr with maximum renewal period of 1 year. It is issued to cover a maximum area of 10,000km2  
Full Exploration
This license grants exclusivity over license are. It is valid for 4 years with and initial renewal option of 3 years and further renewal of another 2 years, bringing total maximum exploration period of 9 years. Licensed are issued for a maximum area 250km2 and licensees are encouraged to relinquish down to 125km2
Small Scale
Licenses are issued for land areas of up to 100 Hectare and for an initial period of 3 years, with a renewal option for another 3 years.
Large Scale
Licenses are issued for land areas of up to 250km2 and for an initial period of 25 years, with a renewal option for another 15 years, subject to terms and conditions and the general fiscal conditions as specified in the Mines and Mineral Act.
                Source: Ministry of Mines and Mineral Resources

Licensing: Process and Requirements

The license application process has been simplified, and requirements clarified. The evaluation process is very transparent and results of an application evaluation are communicated to the applicant within very short periods of time.
Type of License
Key Requirements
Exploration License
·         Applications made through MCO
·         Company must be a registered limited company
·         Technical work programme should be included
·         Expenditure commitment details
·         Demonstration of financial & technical capacity
Mining License
·         Feasibility study, based on prove exploration
·         Detailed mine operational plan
·         Environmental Impact Assessment & management plan
·         Financial surety for environmental obligations
·         Community Development Agreement
·         Surface Rent Agreement
The Fiscal Regime

Category of Minerals
Relevant Rate (%)
Precious Stones
·  Valuation based on the market price at time of sale
·  Clear regulations on market based valuation of minerals
Precious Metals
Other Minerals
                                Source: Ministry of Mines and Mineral Resources

The Tax Code
The tax code is designed and implemented to ensure level playing field for small and large players in the sector. The following is a summary of applicable taxes and treatment allowances of certain items for tax purposes

Item Description
Applicable Treatment
Corporate Tax Rate
35% tax rate on corporate profits
Cost Amortisation
(Exploration and Development)
4 year profiled depreciation at 40%, 20%, 20%, 20% respectively, starting in the year the cost was incurred
Thin Capitalisation
Where the debt equity ratio exceeds 3:1, interest on loans granted by affiliated parties shall not apply
Limits on HQ Expenses
1.5% of sales
Special Tax Incentives
Losses can be carried forward from one year to the next up to 10yrs from the commencement of commercial production
Source: Ministry of Mines and Mineral Resources